Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Flickr Members Conflicted

Lots of angry people venting over at Thomas Hawk's Digital Connection: There's Some Mighty Pissed Off Flickr Members Right Now. Seems like there are many people angry about the change to a Yahoo ID.

Or ARE there?! Thomas Hawk discloses himself as the CEO of an up-and-coming potential competitor to Flickr, Zooomr. He has definitely picked up the negative arguments, but if you scroll down in the comments, there are people like me saying this is all much ado about nothing, that it is to be expected since Yahoo! owns Flickr.

One fantastic change I discovered today with using the new ID: I can now actually log onto my Flickr account from the office computer, which means I can start loading up personal photos at home and using them in the office for some of my professional projects. Previously certain network security settings prevented me from signing onto Flickr (I think they were cookie settings). Well that just gives me a reason to say "yahoo!!!"


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