Thursday, January 25, 2007

Jakob Nielsen's 10 Best Intranets of 2007

Jan. 25/07 - Jakob Nielson recently released his "10 Best Intranets of 2007" list.  In his summary, he discusses these newer trends that he sees as favourable:

  • increase of multimedia including regularly changing photos, increase in video, and more precise news feeds or edited news;

  • ability for internal staff to rate items or add comments; he feels these features are even more useful on an intranet than out in the real world since you are more likely to receive constructive comments;

  • users in multinational (or multilingual) firms to have choice of language interface; he also comments on how some multinational companies are using their intranets for people to work more cohesively;

  • more standardization; firmer standards;

  • conservative use of trendy web applications such as blogs, wikis and other social tools.  He notes a successful employee search tool which shows the searcher how many degrees of separation he/she has from the other person, to help find someone the most closely related;

  • web usability statistics on intranets should be interpreted differently than statistics for websites because the contexts are different;

  • intranets are becoming more established in the organization's infrastructure with proper budgets and staffing;

Full 360 page report with screen shots is available here for $174 for single report or $378 for site licence with ability to post to your intranet (prices are U.S.).   If anyone purchases it, could you let me know if it is worthwhile?? 

Link to this report was courtesy of today's beSpacific.

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