Thursday, February 03, 2011

Talking Twitter

I've been on Twitter pretty much forever. Well, since March 2007 anyway. Four years! So forgive me if I forget to share lessons about Twitter as I go along. To me it has just become a mainstream form of communication, to connect with people in my life and get to know others I haven't met yet. It is a fantastic resource for many aspects of my life and work. And yet, I get into a rut using the same tools and not exploring what is new.

I want to share a couple of interesting blog posts from today that nicely pull together some Twitter thinking and Twitter tools:

From Charlene Burke (@charleneburke), a fellow member of AIIP, she describes the tools she uses for Twitter searching in 12 Twitter Search Tools. I had only used a few of these, so I thought this list to be particularly valuable. She says this is culled from a list of 60 tools that she uses to search Twitter--wow! I appreciate that she has shared her favourites.

Yesterday Twitter sent out a little list by email to subscribers telling us a few uses for Twitter. Well, three uses. It seemed a little underwhelming. So, social media communications whiz  Dave Fleet (@davefleet) has jumped in to fill the gap with *his* version in 25 Suggestions for How to Use Twitter. I'm trying to think if there any ways I use Twitter that he hasn't already covered off....

So, how are you using Twitter? What tools are you finding invaluable? Anything new and cutting edge I should try??

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